A total of 103 combat clashes have taken place at the front since day-start, with the situation remaining most tense in the ...
The French Mirage 2000-5F fighter jets, which are to be delivered to Ukraine, will be converted to enable them to engage ...
The Security Service and National Police neutralized in Ternopil a criminal group who are believed to have been setting on ...
Satellite images have been released, showing the consequences of drone strikes by Ukrainian drones on the Russian ammunition ...
In Russia's Tver region, 18 earthquakes were recorded after an unmanned aerial vehicle hit an ammunition warehouse, causing ...
The first large privatization auction has been completed in the Prozorro.Sale system, selling Kyiv-based Ukraine Hotel for ...
Deputy Head of Ukraine's Presidential Office Viktor Mykyta has held a meeting on strengthening cooperation between Ukrainian ...
Claims that the decision by NATO allies to allow Ukraine to strike legitimate targets on Russian territory will mean NATO's ...
Ukraine is interested in the immediate implementation of three joint infrastructure and energy projects with Slovakia and is ...
The delegation from Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense held political and military consultations with the counterparts from Sweden ...
Russia is amassing troops near the village of Lyptsi in Ukraine's eastern Kharkiv region in an attempt to take further ...
Funds for social payments to military and civilian prisoners of war have been included in Ukraine's draft state budget for ...