While the world is abuzz over artificial intelligence (AI), present technologies are limited more than most people want to ...
Keynesians are known for using obscure and jumbled jargon to explain their fallacious ideas. The hope being that, the more ...
The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in ...
He was accused of “historicizing” and “relativizing” the Holocaust and chided for questioning its “uniqueness.” Several of the biggest names among academic historians in the Federal Republic, and then ...
Libertarianism is a consistent and principled philosophy that is absolute in scope and universal in application.We can begin with this classic description of ...
However, socialist laws of economics cannot be derived from praxeology. It is specifically shown that the immutability of ...
The US Armed Forces expand their footprints in the Indian Ocean, not to defend this country, but to expand military power.
What is the source of our rights, natural Law or the state? Unfortunately, too many people who should know better choose the ...
As AI continues to develop, so does the hysteria that AI will soon take over and relegate us to a dystopian future. We need ...
Bob goes solo to explain the contributions of Carl Menger and Ludwig von Mises to monetary theory. He then deals with the critique of David Graeber, who argues that the economists’ story of the origin ...