The territory of the proposed new Islamist state is a compound in a low-rent residential district of eastern Tirana. It is ...
Prime Minister Edi Rama says he wants to give members of the Bektashi, a Shiite Sufi order, their own Vatican-style enclave ...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is a welcome guest in Western capitals - in part because he is helping Europe with its refugee problem. His opponents, though, say he has transformed Albania into an ...
As a result, much of the work done by Zog was undermined. Following the German evacuation of Albania in November 1944 a fledgling communist movement under the leadership of Enver Hoxha came to power.
Enver Hoxha, në referatin e tij ‘Mbi situatën e brendshme dhe të jashtme’, theksonte se; “reaksioni jonë (opozita kundër PKSH-së) nuk i kishte rrënjët në ujë”. Sipas tij, situata ndërkombëtare kishte ...
As millions celebrate Labor Day, unions across Minnesota have seen some gains, with several groups recently settling contract talks which included pay increases and better benefits. Hamline ...
A kemi një tjetër ndarje në showbiz-in shqiptar? Epo diçka të sigurt nuk e kemi, por nga fjalët që po qarkullojnë lart e poshtë, po thuhet se martesa shumëvjeçare e Enada Hoxhës dhe Gerd Vasos ka ...
Leon’s article is self-contradictory, because it points out one the one hand how robust debate is in our young but stable democracy and on the other raises the specter of Enver Hoxha’s totalitarian ...
A breakthrough Group 1 win could be the stepping stone to another top level triumph for Enver Jusufovic and stable star Pinstriped in the Makybe Diva Stakes at Flemington. “I’m still enjoying ...