Temperature spikes above Antarctica in July represent the earliest warming of the stratosphere ever recorded, NASA ...
The Southern Ocean encircling Antarctica is the world's largest feeding ground for baleen whales—species like humpbacks that ...
Antarctica's rapidly receding sea ice could have a negative impact on the food supply of seabirds that breed hundreds of ...
As global temperatures rise, the ecology of Antarctica is already changing, but Earth's climate would have to change ...
The 11 th Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research conference was held in Pucón, Chile August 19-23, 2024. Fifteen-hundred ...
In 1974, scientists first sounded the alarm about the destruction of the ozone layer caused by human activities. Yet it would ...
Advances in technology are helping filmmakers fulfill their purpose: showing the world’s flora, fauna, and landscapes in more ...
It’s easier to steal another seabird’s meal than catch your own fish. But this behaviour by skuas, frigatebirds and gulls is ...
Antarctica was ice-free 34 million years ago. Changes in carbon dioxide levels and tectonic shifts isolated the continent, ...
The study predicts a gradual Antarctic ice sheet loss until 2100. Afterward, rapid retreat may occur, leading to sea-level ...
In her memoir 'Breaking Rocks and Barriers,' Sudipta Sengupta recounts her pioneering journey as a geologist and mountaineer.
A study led by Dartmouth has compiled 16 models to refine projections of ice loss up to the year 2300. A study led by ...