배우 고준희가 '버닝썬 루머'로 힘들었던 시기를 회상하며 눈물을 쏟았다. 고준희는 29일 유튜브 채널 '짠한형 신동엽'에 업로드된 '짠한형에서 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말 다 하고 갑니다'란 ...
Often used as a hypertension treatment drug, beta blockers may also be prescribed in cases of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and more, according to StatPearls.
A common type of bacteria has been found to make certain cancers "melt," scientists have discovered.Researchers said that they were "brutally surprised" to find that Fusobacterium – a bacteria ...
There are 14 sets of medals to be awarded on Day 4, including the highly-anticipated U.S. women's team final in gymnastics.
Hans Mezger was an engineer who worked for Porsche from the time he graduated from the Stuttgart Technical University in 1956 until his retirement from the company in 1994. He designed numerous ...
Robert Downey Jr. is set to play Dr. Doom in Marvel’s upcoming films, starting with 'Avengers: Doomsday' in 2026. Revealed at ...
The biggest wildfire in the nation right now, the Park Fire in Northern California, continued to rage Monday, officials said.
Gymnastics is a crowd favorite during every Summer Olympics cycle. Check out who claims the highest-scoring routines now.
Max A. Cherney [サンフランシスコ 29日 ロイター] - ...
As the weather warms up, it’s the perfect time to spruce up your garden and tackle those lawn care tasks for greener grass. But if you’ve noticed brown patches ruining your once lush grass, this could ...
2024巴黎奧運正持續進行中,除了運動員在場上的表現外,場外也可見國與國之間的交流活動。我國駐法代表處29日舉辦台灣奧運健兒歡迎酒會上,副市長米歇爾(Jean-Luc Romero-Michel)以實際行動歡迎「台灣隊」到來,後來還在社群媒體上po文 ...