Anya Workman received a Riley Research Award from the anthropology department to conduct ethnographic fieldwork on two smallholder farms in rural Minnesota.
The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge recognized Bowdoin for its nonpartisan democratic engagement efforts that fostered high ...
The Bowdoin Hello is rooted in the College's history of fraternities, when brothers would require pledges to bellow a greeting to them from across campus. Though fraternities are long gone, each new ...
The College's library has for many years shared a search feature with Bates and Colby, allowing patrons to research sources and borrow books from all three institutions. Extending this network to also ...
From distinguished invitations and appointments to meaningful appearances in significant publications, Bowdoin faculty members had a productive summer of important and creative contributions.
About the Enrollment Form: each semester, all students are required to complete the Enrollment Form to verify their presence on campus and make changes to their personal and directory information, if ...
The Department of Theater and Dance’s Dr. Lindsay Blue Rapport gave a thought-provoking TEDx talk "Radical Togetherness - and other life lessons from the dance floor" in April 2024 at Kresge ...
Everyone can participate in making Bowdoin a place where everyone belongs. To facilitate creative ideas and support projects that promote inclusivity and a welcoming environment, the Office of ...