The timing is good. The American Red Cross, which provides 40% of the blood to medical facilities across the U.S., has seen a ...
Zachary David Grossman, son of Lauren and Michael Grossman of Tucson, married Hana Axmannová on Aug. 3, 2024, in Prague. The ...
This story first appeared in Jewish News (greater Phoenix). Alex Shapero witnessed the emotional response of Jewish victims of domestic abuse to seeing a new mezuzah on their doorpost and immediately ...
A son, Judah Levi Langert, was born August 9, 2024, to Sarah Langert in Phoenix. His grandparents are Richard and Peggy Langert of Tucson.
The Southwest Torah Institute’s Dr. Paul W. Hoffert Spirit Program begins Monday, July 25. The two-week free learning program, “A Tree of Life for Those Who Grasp It,” which takes its title from ...
David Caplan, 71, died June 17, 2017. Mr. Caplan was born in Pittsburgh. He graduated from Penn State University and received his law degree from American University Law School in Washington, D.C.
Tucson Hebrew Academy (THA) is excited to introduce Katie Rosen as the Interim Director of Admissions at THA. She and her husband, Karl, have been proud THA parents for three years and can be often ...
Tucson Hebrew Academy will honor Lex Sears, a former THA trustee, at its annual Tikkun Olam Award dinner on Sunday, Nov. 1. “It is with deep gratitude that we recognize Lex Sears this year with the ...
Beth Shalom Temple Center (BSTC) in Green Valley, AZ, south of Tucson, will celebrate its 30th anniversary with a Gala event on November 9. This milestone marks three decades of fostering community ...
Talya Simha Fanger-Vexler & Melech Mizrachi were married at Tucson Hebrew Academy on August 18th, 2024 (Tu B’Av 5784). Talya Simha is a local Tucsonan and Melech Mizrachi is from Phoenix. Rabbi Shmuli ...
U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once scheduled an hour-long meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Towards the end of the consultation, the Rebbe asked if he could ...
Volume 2 of “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona” will be among hundreds of books represented at this weekend’s Tucson Festival of Books, March 10-11 at the University of ...