Tucson Hebrew Academy will honor Lex Sears, a former THA trustee, at its annual Tikkun Olam Award dinner on Sunday, Nov. 1. “It is with deep gratitude that we recognize Lex Sears this year with the ...
U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once scheduled an hour-long meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Towards the end of the consultation, the Rebbe asked if he could ...
Volume 2 of “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona” will be among hundreds of books represented at this weekend’s Tucson Festival of Books, March 10-11 at the University of ...
This is the speech President Barack Obama should have given in the wake of the mass shooting on Friday morning at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. The shooter killed 28 people, 20 of them ...
Gianna Lampert, a teen participant in the Tracing Roots program that brings together students from the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s Hebrew High and residents at Handmaker Jewish Services ...
Tel Aviv (TPS) – A torrent of Israeli taxes are about to hit the global tech giants Google, Facebook, Amazon, and eBay as new directives were announced on Monday by the Israel Tax Authority (ITA). The ...
Manya Tepelboym, 91, died April 6, 2020. Mrs. Tepelboym, a Holocaust survivor, was born in Proskurov, Ukraine, on Dec. 31, 1928. She was 12 years old when World War II started. After the war, she went ...
JACOB MORRIS BERNSTEIN, son of Harriette Levitt and Michael Bernstein, will celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, Sept. 4 at Congregation Young Israel. He is the grandson of Carol and the late ...
I would venture to guess that most of us would immediately call to mind the famous passage attributed to Hillel the Elder (Pirkei Avot 1:14): If I am not for myself, who is for me? When I am for ...
ELIEZER ISAAC ROSEMAN, son of Ann and Ron Roseman, will celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 25 at Congregation Bais Pinchus in Brookline, Mass. He is the grandson of Dr. Richard ...
(Jewish News of Greater Phoenix) — When Ilana Mills was 16 years old she had an epiphany: “I want to be a rabbi.” At first, she worried the only reason she wanted to follow that career path was ...