The Kremlin on Friday refused to comment on Ukraine's accusations that Russia had hit a civilian ship carrying Ukrainian grain in the Black Sea near Romania with a missile on the night of Wednesday to ...
Entrepreneurs do not consider the option of listing on the stock exchange because they think it is either too expensive or too lengthy, the director and founder of Kapital Minds, Laurentiu Stan told a ...
The Finance Ministry (MF) on Friday attracted 75 million RON from banks, in addition to Thursday's auction, when it borrowed 500 million RON through a benchmark government bond is ...
On Saturday, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu ordered the National Administration of State Reserves and Special Problems to urgently release aid for people in Galati county affected by the ...
Chairman and Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu estimates Romania's new government will be invested around December 23, after the parliamentary and presidential elections.He said, while in Suceava, on ...
Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a telephone conversation on Thursday to discuss the regional security situation, including the violation of ...
Alpha Bank Romania, in partnership with Montran, the leading provider of interbank payment systems in the country, has launched an advanced Anti-Fraud System, informs. This ...
Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization Bogdan Ivan and the minister of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Dan Perciun, launched on Friday in Chisinau the program that ...
The unemployment rate in the second quarter of 2024 was 5%, down by 0.3% against the one recorded in the first quarter of this year, the National Institute for Statistics (INS)announced on Friday. ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Catalin Predoiu met on Wednesday and Thursday with Nicolas Warnery, ambassador of the French Republic, and Willemijn van Haaften, ambassador of the Kingdom of the ...
Romania's Foreign Ministry (MAE) has voiced firm condemnation of an attack by the Russian armed forces against a ship carrying grain in the Black Sea."This event is unprecedented escalation of the ...
The National Council of the PNL on Sunday validated the candidacy of Nicolae Ciuca for the presidency of Romania.The secretary general of the PNL, Lucian Bode, announced that the decision was taken ...