Dotyk - Vědci objevili fascinující vesmírný objekt vzdálený 48 světelných let od Země. Planeta LHS 1140 b připomíná obří ...
Už nemusíte vyrážet za koupáním za hranice. Jen hodinu od Prahy najdete místo s tyrkysovou vodou, kde je radost trávit léto.
Mauricius je ostrovem mnoha lákadel. Najdete na něm jedny z nejkrásnějších pláží světa, destilují se tam výborné rumy a Češi ...
Perseverance rover has spent the past week ascending the steep Jezero crater rim, navigating through Mars' tricky terrain.
Trasa tě navede na vyhlídku Edelweissspitze, nejvyšší bod této silnice, který ti nabídne 360° výhled na místní třítisícovky.
Hopes that compounds were sign of prebiotic chemistry or even ancient life may be result of instrument limitations ...
Oct. 15, 2024 — Experts have announced that the Sun has reached its solar maximum period, which could continue for the next year. Scientists will not be able to determine the exact peak of this ...
An extraordinary object was found in the sand on Mars. Upon closer observation, it can be seen that it resembles a "human ...
Due to its rusty red appearance caused by iron oxide in its soil, Mars has always been known as the Red Planet. However, ...
People have spotted a human face buried in the dusty surface of Mars. An image sent back from the Perseverance rover has ...
WHAT looks like a grisly, sun-scorched human face has been found half-buried in the sand on Mars by Nasa’s Perseverance rover ...