“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Severance season 2 kicks off with episode 1, Hello, Ms. Cobel, and there's so much to talk about. It's been three years since ...
After a three-year wait, Severance season 2 has finally landed on Apple TV Plus – and, surprise surprise, its first episode – ...
The computers on the show are functional, so when Mark and Helly are moving pixelated numbers around on a screen, that’s ...
I’ve already published my full Season 2 (spoiler-free) review. Now, we can dive into each individual episode as they stream ...
Nearly three years after one of the most aggressive cliffhangers in recent memory, the mysterious Apple series is about to ...
One crucial clue is that, of course, Helly lies to her colleagues about what she saw in the outside world - something that ...
FandomWire recaps and reviews "Hello, Ms. Cobel" - the Season 2 premiere of Apple TV+'s Severance. The team returns to Lumon ...
After a very long sabbatical, Severance has returned to Apple TV+, and Mark S. seems just as disoriented as we are. Friday’s ...
Apple TV+'s thriller returns with more sci-fi creepiness, nuanced social commentary and black humor. And perks like fruit ...
As Severance season 2 begins, we're given a better idea of the exact size of the mysterious, nefarious Lumon Industries.
If the rest of this season is half as good as episode 1, we're in for a great few months. Let's break it down.