Il Museo del Fungo dedicato a Pier Luigi Ferrari per il 30° anniversario dell'IGP La magia del bosco si rinnova a Borgotaro e ...
La magia del bosco si rinnova a Borgotaro e apre le porte all’evento più atteso dell’anno: la 49esima Fiera del Fungo Porcino ...
Tre randagi -  Biagio, Šarik e un ignoto Signor cane - protagonisti di un cartone della Disney, di una favola nera di ...
La cultura culinaria italiana è rinomata in tutto il mondo per la sua varietà, qualità e capacità di trasformare semplici ...
È tutto pronto domani a partire dalle 19 per l’evento organizzato da Fondazione Parma UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, che ...
It didn't go as expected. Ryan Salame got grilled by a judge over whether he lied, potentially bringing more consequences. The federal judge who's overseeing the criminal cases involving FTX fraud ...
Former FTX executive Ryan Salame is arguing in a court filing that the government is not keeping its part of a deal. The deal involved ceasing an investigation into possible campaign finance ...
Former top FTX executive Ryan Salame is seeking to void his guilty plea in a criminal case involving campaign finance and money-transmitting crimes, claiming prosecutors reneged on their agreement ...
Salame admitted to lying to the judge about persecutors not making promises to him as part of his plea deal last year. The judge said he would need time to consider next steps on the matter but ...
They allege she illegally used money from her boyfriend, Ryan Salame, to fuel her campaign. Salame gave Bond money through an allegedly fake consulting gig with FTX, where he was an executive.