An overzealous effort at reforming the U.S. Agency for International Development will dismantle programs that enhance U.S.
The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher, and takes no institutional positions on matters of policy.
A proposed Metro Nashville law detailing how police surveillance technology can be used across Davidson County won ... for the first Metro Nashville Council meeting of the new year.
This comes after a motion to approve the camera network failed in Metro Nashville Council last month. Metro Council approved the revised "FUSUS" proposal during their meeting Tuesday night.
In 2012 the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) launched the Diversity Initiative in Foreign Policy. The initiative complements CFR's other, longstanding efforts to encourage members of ...
The Council on Foreign Relations relies on charitable contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations to support its programs and provide important operating revenue. CFR also ...
(Muhammad Hamed/Reuters) Director, Program on Arab Politics, Washington Institute for Near East Policy In 2013, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Contingency Planning Memorandum "Political ...
As a 2009 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Contingency Planning Memorandum "Crisis Between Ukraine and Russia" argued, a major Ukraine-Russia confrontation has significant implications for the ...
Two successive terms of U.S. membership on the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), before the mandatory one-year hiatus, have improved the body’s performance in several ways. These improvements ...
Jody McBrien, Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Samer Shehata, The Colin Mackey and Patricia Molina de Mackey Associate ...
The National Program provides a forum for these members across the country and around the world to discuss pressing foreign policy issues and contribute to CFR’s research. Convening ...
What functions can we expect the United Nations (UN) Security Council to perform in an era of greater geopolitical competition? What can we expect of informal networks such as the Group of Twenty?