There are several events this weekend to help you recharge from your week including St. Patrick's Day celebrations, art, live ...
From a distance they could tell the golden eagle in western Wisconsin was at ... Abbey Krumrie and Ana Morales were able to examine its feathers and verify it was an adult. The women handled ...
As the world marks the 5-year anniversary of the start of the COVID pandemic, grieving children still need support ...
As graduation season approaches, some Native American students in the Clovis Unified School District are concerned that their graduation experience will be jeopardized by wearing indigenous regalia to ...
Amazed when a bald eagle is spotted high in the ... look for the LACK of fringed feathers at the edge of the wings on the hawk identification chart. Eagles, buteos and accipiters have them ...
A golden eagle (Aquila chysaetos) was recently spotted soaring over the Kankakee Sands prairie, to which we say, “That’s ...
Jennifer Elgee submitted this gorgeous portrait of a springtime male blackburnian warbler, a coniferous forest bird that sings and nests in the tops of the tallest mature spruce and fir trees across ...
To identify bald eagles, look at their wings. People often get excited about a big soaring bird and yell “It’s an eagle!” just before it swoops closer and … oops, it’s a vulture.
During the peak of the COVID pandemic, approximately 2,000 Indigenous children in the Navajo Nation lost a parent or ...