Oleg Pavlyuk drove to the service from his home in Des Plaines. The 63-year-old has been in the Chicago area for more than 30 years, but he was born in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. He said he knows ...
Bogdan Bogdanovic's impact post-trade has been harder to gauge. He was having a down season this year for the Hawks, shooting a ghastly 30.1% from deep on six attempts a game. Now, his track ...
Hamar kiderült, hogy a külföldi udvarlójához gyengédebb szálak fűzik, ugyanis az elmúlt pár hónapban már egyre gyakrabban posztolt vele. Ricardóval hamar komolyra fordult a kapcsolatuk, olyannyira, ...
Since December, the prosecution has presented its case against Bogdan Syrotiuk, a socialist political prisoner in Ukraine, in a court in Pervomaisk, southern Ukraine. Syrotiuk was arrested on April 25 ...