Landowners from Naoro village near Mount Kodu in Central closed part of the track on Sept 16, claiming non-payment of a K40 ...
THE Evangelical Lutheran Church – PNG (ELC-PNG) has celebrate 90-year presence in the upper Highlands starting this week in Banz, Jiwaka. The event also coincided with the 19th ELC-PNG Women’s ...
SHE has passed retirement age, but 78-year-old Sr Antoinette Vagu’u, from Central’s Aipeana village, has a strong heart for the Mekeo people in Kairuku. “My heart is with the people”, she said, adding ...
The Government needs to immediately declare an indefinite state of emergency (SOE). Send more troops into the fighting zone. If that doesn’t work, or if the unrest resurface, then martial law for ...
Singapore, a country with a similar political system as Papua New Guinea is a prosperous country without any rich natural resources. What are its secrets? They are summarised by its founding prime ...
If the nation follows a 10-year census lifecycle, the next National Census was supposed to be held in 2020-21. Unfortunately, this did not eventuate and, in 2024, a National Census was planned and ...
THE rapid population growth in Port Moresby is creating significant challenges for the city’s infrastructure and resources. The increasing number of residents is placing a strain on public spaces and ...
However, the college operation is questionable as the Member for Moresby North-East, John Kaupa, is not aware of this college in his electorate. It is a lengthy process for the college to be ...
When contacted by the BBC, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said that the hack is proof that Iran was “interfering in the election to help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden because they know ...
Kyiv: President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Wednesday that his “Victory Plan”, intended to bring peace to Ukraine while keeping the country strong and avoiding all “frozen conflicts”, was now complete ...
There is a broken or unfulfilled promise for every resource project in the country. They will come because the landowners know they got the government backed into a corner where it cannot move. It ...
WEST New Britain Governor Sasindra Muthuvel is appealing to Prime Minister James Marape to be fair when distributing District Services Improvement Programme (DSIP) funds to both Government and ...