On the eve of National Unity Day, President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko signed a decree pardoning 37 more people convicted of ...
German military expert Ralf Thiele said that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is waging an information war against Germany, seeking supplies of ...
After neighbouring countries closed a number of checkpoints on the Belarusian border, our customs officers changed technologies and ...
Freight traffic in the eastern direction increased fourfold in 2024 – as noted by Chairman of Belarus’ State Customs Committee Vladimir ...
Finland will commission the world’s first underground spent nuclear fuel (SNF) storage facility Onkalo by 2026, where it will be stored ...
There is no dialogue between the customs authorities of Belarus and neighbouring Western countries due to the political order of the ...
In 2025, the Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ) plans to produce a tracked tractor designed in a digital environment, according to the MTZ ...
Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said Austria would not accept refugees who are turned back from Germany, TASS reports ...
Vietnam has joined the pool of foreign buyers of milk powder on the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange, sb.by reports with ...
Students from Equatorial Guinea have come to Belarus to study at local universities – as informed by the Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea ...
According to The Financial Times newspaper, the United States and the United Kingdom plan to extend indefinitely the Mutual Defence ...
Citizens’ trust in Western media is falling in the US and in the EU – as stated by TASS Director General Andrei Kondrashov during a ...