Chaos erupted at the Beit Lid base in central Israel last evening as hundreds of Israeli demonstrators stormed the military ...
The Israeli army is reinforcing its troops around the Beit Lid camp ahead of a trial for soldiers accused of abusing ...
Israeli forces targeted several neighborhoods in Khan Yunis with artillery shelling and blew up residential buildings in ...
The Israeli military police arrested ten soldiers from the Sde Teiman camp to investigate charges of torture against Gaza ...
Despite Israeli threats, Hezbollah continued to target Israeli military locations, installations, bunkers and intelligence ...
The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, broadcast a video message that it said was addressed to the Lebanese ...
Israel has bombed 126 shelters housing displaced families in Gaza since October 7, killing at least 851 civilians, a rights ...
Palestine and Brazil are more similar than we think. True, each struggle has its own particularities, but the similarities ...
Palestinian prisoners are subject to "rampant violence" and "deprivation in Israel's prison system", The Washington Post said in a report.
To further expose western duplicity in Gaza, we must learn to speak with no reservations, no matter the restrictions.
The head of the Hamas’ political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, called for a day of rage and solidarity with the Palestinian ...
Iran warns Israel against “any new adventure towards Lebanon” using the Majdal Shams attack in the Syrian Golan Heights as a ...