As a molecular virologist with an interest in digestive diseases, I use viruses that infect gastrointestinal cells to understand viral and host factors that affect pathogenesis. I have studied two ...
Qiang Fu is Calvin Professor of Atmospheric and Climate Science at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle. Fu earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Beijing University and a doctorate ...
My research concentrates on chemical processes occurring at the interface of solids and gases or liquids (electrolytes). Elementary steps of the reaction dynamics are investigated by the use of ...
I am a biologist and oceanographer interested in the evolution of biogeochemical cycles. Most of my work has been devoted to understanding the factors regulating photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation ...
My research interests include genetics, dynamics, and structure of insect populations; coevolution, especially of insects and plants; human ecology, especially the interactions among population growth ...
My research in probability theory concerns problems that arise from ecology and genetics. In the case of ecology, this means the study of stochastic spatial models and how their properties differ from ...
Developmental neurobiology with emphasis on synapse formation between embryonic motorneurons and muscle fibers; trophic interactions between neurons and target cells; acetylcholine and amino acid ...
As a geneticist, I focus on developing new techniques and instruments. Using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae sequence, new technology is being developed to conduct whole genome analysis, including the ...
Jenny Tung, PhD is the Director of the Department of Primate Behavior and Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA), a Visiting Professor of Evolutionary ...
My areas of interest are in understanding the transcriptional basis of mammalian physiology through an analysis of the genetics of steroid receptors and related genes that comprise the nuclear ...
James A. Dumesic is the Micek Distinguished Professor and the Michel Boudart Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dumesic earned his B.S. degree ...
Andrew D. Hanson is C.V. Griffin Sr. Eminent Scholar in the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. His B.Sc. in Biochemistry and ...