The CrowdStrike software outage caused business interruption which, despite the relatively short duration, was significant for sectors such as financial services, transportation and healthcare, and ...
On 17 July 2024, the NSW Government released its NSW Plan for Nature, in response to Ken Henry AC's statutory reviews of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) and the native vegetation ...
The Albanese Government has today released draft legislation to effect government’s ambitious proposals to introduce a mandatory merger control regime. The proposals provide more clarity on major ...
ACCC signals support for sustainability collaborations with draft cooperation guidelines – and the need to review your own internal controls to prevent collusion and cartels.
On 9 November 2023, amendments to the unfair contract term laws (UCT laws) came into effect. These amendments introduced substantial penalties for the use of unfair terms. In light of this development ...
Independent parties in control of large cryptocurrency assets would want to seek the Court's approval when making potentially risky financial and commercial decisions in an attempt to exclude ...
The automotive sector is highly regulated, dynamic and subject to ongoing regulatory and private litigant scrutiny. The Automotive Snapshot gives you insights into the issues the industry must grapple ...
The Fair Work Commission announced it will be undertaking a review of the fixed term provisions in the two higher education modern awards commencing in September 2024.
ASIC and APRA have published their final suite of rules and guidance to assist insurers and superannuation trustees ahead of the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) commencement on 15 March 2025.