In Fatla v. McCarthy, 2024 BCCA 311, the British Columbia Court of Appeal increased the awards for future income loss and ...
In Moon v International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (Local 891), 2024 BCSC 1560, the British Columbia Supreme ...
Morgan & Morgan’s television ads in Arkansas included disclaimers like “dramatization” and “actual client.” The complaint ...
The Health Professions Appeal and Review Board of Ontario recently confirmed a decision to issue advice to an ...
The International Bar Association (IBA) has voiced serious concerns over the swift pace at which Mexico is advancing its ...
Mongolia, which has been a state party since it ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC in 2002, had a duty to arrest and ...
The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia granted an absolute discharge to a first-time bankrupt who had a significant tax debt. This ...
On Aug. 30, in Birch v Birch, 2024 ABCA 284, the appeal court awarded the mother $5,000 in enhanced costs. This amount was ...
In Paramount Resources Ltd v Chubb Insurance Company of Canada, 2024 ABCA 266, the Alberta Court of Appeal allowed the appeal ...
The Court of King’s Bench of Alberta has partly granted an appeal to amend a statement of claim in a medical negligence case ...
The High Court of Justice in England and Wales recently dismissed a claimant’s application to revisit a provisional ...
The Court of Appeal for Ontario recently dismissed an appeal by a former lawyer whose request to be appointed estate trustee ...