Was he training for the next football match or was he just bored? A video shows a parcel delivery man kicking a parcel ...
There won't be an Olympic gold medal, but this cat definitely deserves an award. Watch the video to see how the athletic ...
At 7.20 p.m. on Sunday evening, two people robbed a 78-year-old man of a wristwatch costing several thousand francs in the ...
Police have arrested a left-wing extremist following the sabotage on the French railroads. This was reported by the AFP news ...
The opposition in Venezuela has declared itself the winner of the presidential election and has not recognized the official ...
Venezuela's authoritarian head of state Nicolás Maduro has been re-elected in the presidential election in the South American ...
Complex life on Earth could be much older than previously thought. A research team from Cardiff University claims to have found evidence in Gabon, Central Africa, that complex creatures could have ...
The third evening of the final in the Paris swimming pool is dominated by the premieres of two teenagers: 17-year-old Summer McIntosh and David Popovici, who is two years older, win their first ...
If Deutsche Bahn trains are too unpunctual, they are not allowed to cross the Swiss border. This is happening more and more frequently. More than every tenth train from Germany was stopped at the ...
As an agent in the series "Alias", Jennifer Garner has shown strong nerves - she also has them when she is stuck in an elevator for over an hour. Singing and sweating, she shoots funny videos. She ...
The leaderships of the left-wing Catalan separatist party ERC and the Socialists of Spain's head of government Pedro Sánchez have reached an agreement in principle on the formation of a new regional ...
The Italian defender Riccardo Calafiori is moving to Arsenal. The 22-year-old international has signed a five-year contract in London after a successful season in Bologna. The rumored transfer fee for ...