Adults taking high doses of amphetamine-based medications for ADHD, such as Adderall, face a five-fold increased risk of ...
Researchers have identified specific brain cells, known as concept neurons and location cells, that predict whether we will ...
New research reveals that girls exposed to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may experience early puberty, which ...
Summary: Sound stimulation can manipulate brain waves during REM sleep, a stage crucial for memory and cognition. Using ...
Summary: Scientists have identified the brain circuitry that drives spiny mice to prefer larger social groups. The study ...
During social interactions, human and dog brain activity becomes synchronized, with mutual gazing and petting enhancing this ...
A new study shows that out-of-body experiences (OBEs), including near-death experiences, can dramatically increase empathy ...
Researchers have mapped how propofol, a widely used anesthetic, alters brain connectivity to induce unconsciousness.
A newly developed gene therapy shows great potential for treating glaucoma, a condition that can lead to vision loss.
Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on ...
Low doses of carbon monoxide, similar to levels experienced by smokers, can protect against neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s ...
A new study suggests that consciousness may be rooted in quantum processes, as researchers found that a drug binding to ...