What was really at stake was the extent of the Algerian people’s participation in these elections, compared to the previous ones held at the end of 2019, which the military establishment imposed in ...
The Israeli NGO Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) was founded during the first Intifada by a group of Palestinian and Jewish doctors. The PHRI Prisoners and Detainees Department deals with all ...
It is only the US that can guarantee this but so far has allowed Israel to carry on with its genocidal campaign. Despite the recent Israeli assault on Beirut and the strike on Haniyeh violating ...
Pakistan today presents a picture of a bubbling cauldron marked by a deepening economic crisis, on the one hand, and social and political uprisings in its peripheries, on the other hand. This is ...
This solidarity statement was adopted by the 39th edition of the Fourth International youth camp in France in July 2024.
This solidarity statement was adopted by the 39th edition of the Fourth International youth camp in France in July 2024.
The masquerade of the presidential election has been repeated every four years for more than forty years. It it is reminiscent of the Woody Allen film “Take the Money and Run” . In that comedy, a bank ...
When people move abroad and settle in other countries, they don’t automatically form a diaspora. Rather, a diaspora is shaped through political activity and mobilization, Sharon M. Quinsaat, associate ...
The last few months have given rise to a succession of local crises of astonishing magnitude. These crises are the occasion for mass movements within which we hope fwiil evolve in ways that attack the ...
Kevin B Anderson is a Marxist humanist and Professor of Sociology, Political Science and Feminist studies at University of California, Santa Barbara. He is the author and editor of various works, ...
Can we be happy about this and call for new elections at federal level? The CDU has emerged from these regional elections with the smallest losses, in first or second place. According to the polls, it ...