More than half of private schools in Australia now receive more combined state and federal government funding per student ...
Many young girls lack even a basic understanding of anatomy, ovulation and menstruation, a startling new study has revealed.
Scant, tokenistic and ‘tick-boxy’ is how secondary teacher Jen Sonter describes the inclusion of women in the NSW history ...
Minister of Education Erica Stanford has proposed shifting the oversight of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in New Zealand ...
Burnt out and worn down mid-career teachers are the most likely cohort planning to quit the profession or be weighing up ...
New Zealand has one of the highest rates of school bullying in the world, but new research suggests principals and leading ...
Australia needs a single basic handwriting style devoid of weird squiggles and fancy cursive that children are taught ...
Schools that appoint a principal internally risk destabilising teacher morale in a big way, pioneering Australian research ...
It’s imperative that secondary classrooms are proactively advocating for vocational careers now if Australia is to have ...
Life as a school leader can be busy and fast paced, with competing demands for time and attention and little available down ...
More than half of young Queenslanders are feeling stressed and anxious with health experts warning the sharp mental health ...
Dr Kate Barton is of the firm belief that you can’t do away with explicit instruction, or inquiry, based on cognitive load ...