The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with Endeavor Romania, have launched the second edition of the "Women on Boards in Romania" programme, which offers ...
The wines of Horia Ban from Oradea, in the second year of production after he bought a vineyard, were awarded with one gold and two silver medals at the most prestigious wine competition in Europe, ...
The U.S. Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec said on Thursday, in Galati, referring to the war in Ukraine, that Romania showed the world the true meaning of solidarity, the Americans being impressed by the ...
The international security environment, bilateral defence and military co-operation, along with prospects for NATO-Israel cooperation, were among the subjects of a meeting of Romania's Defence ...
The volume of turnover in retail trade (with the exception of trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased, in the first seven months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, both as a ...
Oprescu, and the Bavarian State Minister of Family, Labor and Social Affairs, Ulrike Scharf, signed on Wednesday a Joint Declaration of Intent for cooperation in the field of social economy between ...
Romania supports Israel's right to self-defence, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu stated on Thursday in Israel, where he went to meet his Israelian counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu."[I am here - editor's ...
The National Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) ordered the establishment of additional measures to prevent the outbreak of sheep and goat pox in our country, after Bulgaria ...
The Finance Ministry (MF) borrowed RON 1.034 billion from commercial banks on Thursday, through an issue of government bonds and one of discounted Treasury certificates, according to data published by ...
Liberal MEP Siegfried Muresan, from the European People's Party group in the European Parliament, was appointed chief negotiator for the future EU multiannual budget, post 2027, by political groups, a ...
President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Thursday the law regarding the donation of a Patriot surface-to-air missile system to third parties.The law on the completion of art. 1 of Law no. 222/2017 for ...
President Klaus Iohannis on Thursday promulgated a law approving Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) 101/2024 amending and supplementing OUG 64/2007 on public debt, which regulates the identification ...