For Riccardo Tisci, creative director at the moment, the problem in luxury is clear: ‘Everything looks the same,’ he tells ...
We tell you all about what will happen at Lineapelle 104, from 17 to 19 September at Fiera Milano Rho with 1,259 exhibitors ...
Another little Volkswagen fails, but thinks about replacing the skin: certain communication short-circuits seem like smoke in ...
After a decade, ostrich leather is coming back, and this time, without the “grandmotherly” allure of wealthy circles. Because ...
Fast fashion must elevate itself and rely on those who know luxury: the latest moves by Zara (Inditex group) and Uniqlo prove ...
Tom Ford hires Ackermann, while Balenciaga collaborates with Mina and everyone wonders: Chanel who knows what it will do ...
The boom in vegan alternatives to leather is reminiscent of Gaber's song: today no, tomorrow maybe, the day after tomorrow ...
Approaching new markets and benefiting the reshoring from China. Calzados Bonadona is a shoe manufacturer based in Cehegìn, ...
Increasingly slow consumption of luxury goods in China: designer labels and large groups see black in the stock market, Ralph ...
It's not just fast fashion that has problems with inventories: unsold designer labels also turn up in the Atacama desert ...
Inditex in the first half of its fiscal year (February July 2024) grows (despite Zara) and invests (also in Italy) ...
Hold on: fast fashion pulls more than luxury on the stock market, as Burberry's -57% and Inditex's +26% show. We explain why ...