This was their finest hour.' 'Never was so much owed by so many to so few.' Winston Churchill's memorable speeches strengthened Britain's resolve during the dark days of World War Two. He had long ...
When Winston Churchill died 50 years ago ... Even that did not make him anti-Irish. In his speech on VE day upbraiding de Valera for Irish neutrality he was careful to pay tribute to “the ...
On 4 June 1940, as the Dunkirk evacuations drew to a close, Winston Churchill delivered a thrilling speech to the House of Commons. He looked back at the miraculous rescue of the British ...
COMMENTARY: US leadership is sorely in need of the kind of statesmanship exhibited by Winston Churchill, Clement Atlee and ...
And we talked about history. After World War Two, Winston Churchill was thrown out, but they brought him back. Grover Cleveland, the only other American president that did not serve consecutive ...