If there has been any theme to this winter it has been cold.
The first week of March came with a roller coaster of emotions.
“Winter is a magical time to interact with the raptors,” says Curtis Evans, Curator of Education for The Peregrine Fund. “The birds stay active and eat A LOT to stay warm. Our daily programs ...
Someone mentioned recently that for the last few years, our winter has mostly been in the month of March. This is a ...
The red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis ... U.S. and Canada are more likely to migrate and sometimes head south for the winter. Hawks in the continental U.S. and farther south generally stay ...
I regaled you with a story about a red-tailed hawk. This bird kept showing up in my yard and forlornly staring out across my ...
(AP) — Stephanie Stevens has a good reason to love the bone-numbing cold of a Wisconsin winter. Every weekend ... her ...
Winter is a great time for birding and Sauvie Island is the place to spot the Fantastic Four of raptors - Northern Harrier, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, and Bald Eagle! Brodie Cass Talbott ...
After you trap your bird, a falconer needs to sit with the falcon, red-tailed hawk or another bird of prey, in a darkened room — just sit with the bird and give it food. When she takes food from ...
CHELMSFORD, Mass. (WCVB) – A red-tailed hawk is recovering from its injuries after getting hit by a car in Massachusetts on Thursday. Photos show the animal lodged in the vehicle’s grill ...