Dan Myers took this glorious photo last month of a red shouldered hawk in Fremont. The hawk was conveniently perched on the ...
Perched, it has a brown tail with dark bands, 3 bands on folded secondaries. Juvenile Cooper’s hawk can show the same ... much longer tail give a different shape.
A red-tailed hawk constructed her nest in front of a Texas Department of Transportation traffic camera for the 15th straight year.
A common hawk of wet deciduous woodlands, they are the noisiest of the buteos, especially during spring courtship. A perch-hunter of the forest understory, it feeds on frogs, snakes, lizards ...
A red-tailed hawk sits atop the flagpole at Santa Cruz ... “Although red-tailed hawks are commonly seen soaring, they are primarily perch-hunters, and only infrequently hunt from soaring ...
I immediately thought “rare bird” as I drove past the pair and sure enough, sitting peacefully perched at the top of a dead ...